A downloadable game for Windows

This Game is uploaded for fun purposes only, as this is part of my school assignment there is still no sound effects in this game.

Game rule introduction

1. Players can make 3 types of shots.

Z key represents rock

The X key represents scissors.

The C key represents paper.

2. General enemies are divided into 3 types

Red colored enemies represent rock.

Round enemies are represented scissors.

Blue colored enemies represent paper.

How to defeat general enemies is the same as the rules of rock-paper-scissors.

 3. Life

The player's life is set at 10 (life cannot be increased)

General enemies will reduce the player's life when they leave the screen. If the player collides with an enemy, your life will be reduced, and you will be returned to your original position.

Have fun learning how to progress through the boss stages!


UchuuJanken.zip 1.6 MB

Install instructions

Just extract and run the executable files.